SINOSTORIES is a book, a time capsule, and a collective memoir celebrating the Sino diaspora in North America.
The book is divided into three chapters, each exploring some phase of our collective myth-making: the stories we tell ourselves; existence, past and present; and placemaking and the spaces in-between.
These stories and artworks were created during pandemic spacetime during a collision of historical and contemporary crises, but their themes are timeless in nature. These are stories of immigrant ambition, of intergenerational disappointment and healing, of assimilation and disillusionment, of the search for the self and the search for the future, and the politics of being seen.
Available Fall / Winter 2022.

Ava Huang grew up in Vancouver, British Columbia and currently lives in Park City, Utah. Her interests include Russian literature, trail running, and Zen Buddhism. She tweets at @noampomsky.
Diana Chang is a Taiwanese-Canadian software engineer who spends much of her free time thinking about the Taiwanese identity and culture. She was born and raised in Taiwan before immigrating to Canada with her family at the age of ten, and her heart is split between the two places. You can find her on Twitter at @diana__chang.
Dustin Zhang was born in Guangzhou and immigrated to Canada at a young age with his family. He works at a startup in Toronto, and likes to spend time thinking about cultural topics and through the perspective of film in his free time.
Helen Ngo has been writing on the internet since she was eleven years old. She’s based in Toronto and San Francisco by way of suburbs, cities, and stardust, and writes stories as a form of time travel. You would learn more about her from twenty minutes spent perusing her internet blog than two hours spent talking to her at a party. She can be found on Twitter @mathemakitten.
Jeffrey Hui tried to send in a picture of Steven Yuen as himself for this bio but the editor said "that's literally not you and also no pictures" so he's unsure what to write. He grew up in a suburb of Toronto with his parents, sister, and grandparents. Unfortunately for his grandparents, he speaks English and Cantonese fluently so they had to find a third language to backchannel with. He now lives between Toronto and the San Francisco Bay Area and has a hard time picking his favourite Chinatown. He's interested in putting the art in artificial intelligence, but not in a way that makes you feel bad about your human-ness. During the day, he tweets @jeffistyping and at night he writes all the code he was supposed to write during the day. He has a website.
Jenny Qi is the author of the debut poetry collection Focal Point (2021), and winner of the 2020 Steel Toe Books Poetry Award. Her essays and poems have appeared in The New York Times, Tin House, Rattle, and elsewhere, and she has received fellowships from Tin House, Omnidawn, Kearny Street Workshop, and the San Francisco Writers Grotto. The only child of survivors of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, she was born in Pittsburgh, grew up mostly in Las Vegas and Nashville, and now resides in San Francisco, where she completed her Ph.D. in Cancer Biology. Instagram: @jenqii | Twitter: @jqiii
Jessica Dai just moved to Berkeley, CA for a PhD in computer science. She loves the Pacific Northwest, live performance, and high quality produce. You can find her on twitter @jessicadai_.
Jimmy Lee is a internet platform designer and software engineer. He has spent the last decade working at a number of startups such as Patreon, Expo, and Protocol Labs. On his spare time he runs a business called Document Group that makes Reading Supply, a website where people can write and think.
Jessica Zhou 周玉茹 (she/they) is a writer, researcher, technologist, and artist based in San Francisco. When she was ten years old, she named herself in Chinese, in absence of being named at birth. She helped start and run subtle asian dating, and as an ordained minister, is slated to officiate the wedding of a couple who met during the pandemic through the group. Her work has been published by Inverse Magazine and the Los Angeles Times; exhibited by Gray Area and Southern Exposure; supported by Kearny Street Workshop, Kundiman, The Writers Grotto, Friends With Benefits, the Mendocino Coast Writers' Conference, and the Society of Professional Journalists. She ponders care and maintenance work, digitally diasporic methods of cultural disarrangement, our cyborgnesses, SEO divination, the ways we find one another on-and-offline. To find her: or
Kaixi Yang is a prolific and multi award winning artist, whose output can be described as polymathic — spanning music, painting, metal, bacteria, large scale installations, & organisations. She is a graduate of the Stanford Product Design program, WEF Global Shaper, Interact Fellow, and proud Kiwi, using her powers to bring about a beautiful, just and sustainable world. Her guiding principles are Puns, Flow, Spheres, Sauce, Memes, and Light.You can find her work at: | | | Instagram:
Lucy Meng's childhood dream was to be Steve Irwin (but Chinese, and in Canada). She decided to study Marine Biology in fourth grade, but then realized during her last year of undergrad that she couldn’t swim, so she studied Ornithology instead. Her grandpa was a traditional painter (guo hua), and he was her first art teacher. She continues to doodle today @chickn_doodle_soup on Instagram.
Sarula Bao is a queer Chinese-American illustrator and graphic novelist based in Brooklyn. She graduated from RISD in 2016, published a graphic novel in 2017 and has since worked as a freelance illustrator. Her personal work explores aspects of Chinese culture, aesthetics, and narrative through a second generation American experience.
Sharon Lin is a writer from Queens, NY and the daughter of Chinese immigrants. Her work is published in The Offing and The Wave, and forthcoming in the New York Review of Books. She graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. You can find her on Twitter @sharontlin.
Tria Wen's writing has been featured or is forthcoming in the Washington Post, SELF magazine, Narratively, and Slant'd, among other places. VONA and Tin House alumna, she has won a Charles C. Dawe Innovation in Publishing Award, CAC Emerging Artist Fellowship, and SCWC BIPOC Writer Fellowship. She is the co-creator of Make America Dinner Again and co-editor of the Black Allyship column at Mochi Magazine, and has spoken on NPR, BBC, and at SXSW about her work. You can find her on Instagram @triawenwriting.
The Woks of Life is a multigenerational family blog run by Bill, Judy, Sarah, and Kaitlin Leung. What began in 2013 as a quest to record their family’s history through food has become a robust online community, an authority on Chinese cooking, and a platform to tell stories and share food across distances, demystifying Chinese cooking and creating recipes for a new generation. Follow The Woks of Life on Instagram, @thewoksoflife.
Xiran Jay Zhao is a meme-loving weeb and a first-gen immigrant from small town China (which, for China, means a town of four million people). A recent graduate from Vancouver's Simon Fraser University, they wrote sci-fi and fantasy books while they probably should've been studying more biochemical pathways. You can find them on Twitter for spicy memes, Instagram for cosplays and very Extra outfits, and YouTube for long videos about Chinese history and culture.
XMC lives in California with her flock of pigeons. She is currently at work on a short fiction collection.